From time to time we hope to bring you relevant freebies/offers from reputable companies who are showing their support for Go Folic!
The well known pregnancy supplement brand, Pregnacare (which contains 400mcg of folic acid, plus B12, D and other vitamins to support your body before and during pregnancy), are generously offering visitors to the Go Folic! website the opportunity to get their hands on a Pregnacare (7 day trial pack), absolutely FREE!
To get your FREE trial pack of Pregnacare, simply fill out the form below and press "Send Me my FREE Pregnacare Trial Pack!" Sample packs are available for the first 1000 to apply.
Terms & Conditions:
* Offer open to all residents in the UK (aged 18 years and above)
* No purchase necessary, whilst stocks last)
* Only one sample per household permitted. Applications will only be accepted on the completion of the official registration form on this website.
* Responsibility cannot be taken for free sample requests that are lost, damaged or delayed whether due to technical problems or otherwise. Please allow 28 days for delivery.
* The compression stockings plus sizes free samples (formerly shown on this page) are no longer available.
* By requesting a free sample, applicants will be deemed to be bound by, and have accepted, these terms and conditions.